Listening to: alexa tlking 2 tawny
Feeling: excellent
right now i am at alexa's house! =) we didn't get to go surfing today because it rained and the storm was all gross so yeah..haha i think you get the point..but anyways, what we DID do..
we walked to target and bought 4 blank tapes to go with her video tape,and an underwater camera. then we walked to mcdonalds from target, and bought good food =) haha we had our good laughs at mcdonalds..haha and then we walked from there back to alexa's house and we video taped ourselves (haha that sounds so wrong! but we made up a dance to the 'beach boys' and we video taped some of the taj burrow movie, and some of him surfing.then we walked to the mall with her video camera and video taped a bunch of random people.haha it was funny because some couple "told on us" And 2 cops came out and told us we werent aloud to film out by the mall and that it was a policy LAMMEEE..haha well we interviewed them and their lame job.haha it was fun.and then we just got done watching our video.we are gonna make another video for mike,haha he will love it hopefully.haha =)
so i'll be staying the night tonight and tomorrow at like 2 or 3 alexa's mommy will drive to my house and alexa will meet mike! =) i cant wait..haha he has to pass her 'test' haha OoOoOO..well anyways, there should be pictures coming up hurr soon..haha well me and alexa are off being dorks :P x0x.
-- jenn
unfortunately things didn't go as i wanted them to go. :(
i'm glad you're having fun! don't go breaking rules without me now!! haha. i wanna get video taped too! lol i should video tape you while tipping over a porta pottie and an old person screaming in it. mwahahaa!!!
love ya!
-your latin sista fo life! weeerd!
-- jenn
Hope he passes alexa's test. ;0)
Later gurl.