please grow back :(

Listening to: hey there delilah.
i need this right now more than ever, so maybe i'm glad i'm just alone right now. this is why i don't need a therapist, because i can write whenever i feel like it. whatever time, or place. i can write it anyway i want. i was really bad at training daniel today. he's nice, and so cuuteeee. but, i ahve robb. my mom told me something about robbs mom, and i can't help but be disgusted. could she do the things she did. affair? stripper? like, the whole principal thing was just disgusting. and i can't take anymore of it. i'll NEVER look at her the same. i want to tell robb so badly, even though i told my mom i wouldn't tell him. i think thats why i need jenn right now, oh man i'd tell her this and it still wouldnt feel off my chest until i told robb because its HIS MOM. this bothers me a lot because jamie talks so much crap about aaron. i think they both feel they have to be together because they've been married since their senior year in high school. they are a weird family. sometimes i think aaron is the only normal one. robb is starting to be like them too, they are just weird people. serisouly. like.. ugh, i can't even describe how it feels but its just a weird and bad feeling. what happened to real people? value? love? adn the most disturbing part about it all? "I DONT REGRET ANYTHING" how can she say that? friday was good. me and robb needed it. the beach, TARGET, god i love target even more than i ever did. i'm becoming more and more obsessed everytime i walk in. i could live there. dinner and a movie too. the movie though, that was really gross. i couldnt handle the girl getting raped, i cried. i think its because its my emotional time this month. but oh well, it really got to me. and it was way over the top. my mom wants to take me to a dermatologist about my hands and arms. or maybe even the urgent care. i hate having them be like this, it gets worse everyday adn its to the part where my hands are almost un usable. its strange how marissa has been calling me lately, and wanting to hang out. i really dont know how to respond to it all. i hate not having friends sometimes now. summer will be the best though, its really getting to me though how it cant just be planned and ready. it will be the best week of my life, all i really need is jenn. ha, now that im starting to think about it all over again i am actually becoming happy. its amazing what imagination can do to you. but i honestly cannot wait. when i think about summer i think about graduation, its coming so close.. im not even going to cry. i wont miss anybody i just want to get out and start my life. my chiropractor is gone for a week, and my back is startnig to hurt. this really isnt good.
Read 6 comments
soo i read that and i think honeslty, you really shouldn't tell robb. at least not now. i know it's hard to keep it from him, but it is a family issue for him and i think that if you told him especially it would embarass him and make him feel betrayed by his mom and i don'tthink he'd know what to do. i don't think anyone would know what to do if they found that out about their mom. but i really think you should just let it be for awhile.
i hope robb and your relationship gets better and forever continues to get better. no more of this on and off shit elisha. if he doesn't treat you well you need to get yourself out of that situation becuase i don't want you to get used to being treated like shit and think that is normal. you need someone to treat you like gold and tell you how he feels and care for you and help you grow as a person as well as you doing the same to him.
i'm not saying that won't be robb, i don't know if it will or not. just don't let yourself get hurt because i love you and i know you are a strong person and i want you to stay that way. ever since i've known you, i knew you as being a strong independent girl who knew how to stay herself no matter what. don't let anyone degrade who you are or let a part of you go. of course as you grow, you cahnge just stay who you are because i love you.
i watched a sad movie tonight woo. "reign on me" it was really good, but i cried too because it hit me that the person's life the movie was about could be real. but the good part was target :) i loove target, but it has its off days for clothes. i hope your hands get better, you should really try and get some help and treatment for them. ask robb to give you a back massage and maybe it'll relax the tension in your back. or put a heating pad on it
i love you elisha. i hope the summer works out.. FAITH ♥ i agree with the whole miscommunication because there seems to be a looot but i don't know how to fix it. just keep me updated about everything :) i love you and i hope you had a fabulousishly delicious day and night loverface.

ps - i did read last night :)
remember when we used to send each other like twenty comments at once? i got to five :) lol ♥