Listening to: underoath
Feeling: sparkly
When Breanna & Jamie came over, Breanna saw a deer and named him Jim Jim, and the next day when me, jamie and shaynee went out on a walk we saw jim jim ♥ then this morning when jamie was driving me home, we saw jim the middle of the road, and well, you know how the rest goes. =[ R.I.P. JIM JIM =[ EDIT: I've come to the conclusion.... ....that i am giving away my younger sister. My mom thinks we should give her away to the indians....4 hours later they gave her back =[ so now i'm asking you lucky sitDiary readers, WHO WANTS MY FAT, UGLY, RUDE, ANNOYING, BITCHY SISTER ? by the way, there are no refunds with this one. i am FED UP with her. please, someone save me and take her away from meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Read 22 comments
awe thanks i'm getting my hair cut and dyed this weekend can't wait =P but nothing today. how about you?
lmao we gave her to the indians and they gave her back. hehe
even my best friend couldnt help but laugh when i came into school that day. lol.. it was so sad. but i did try that neutrogena mistic tanning thing not too long ago & its not that bad.. it looked pretty good when i did it. its the only sunless tanning stuff that i'll ever use again haha well, if i do use sunless tanning...i usually stay away from it b/c of my many bad experiences with it...haha
yes! back to i tried my cousins sunless tanning lotion once...and apparently it worked on her but not on me..and my legs looked like an orange zebra lol. it was horriblee..we kept like scrubbing my legs with soap and water for like an hour trying to get the stuff faded it a little bit but it was still there for a couple days lol i tried it in 8th gr. once too and i was all blotchy and orange. it was horrible
i would trade in my younger brother for your younger sister. note that he's pretty bad too :P
study leave is when kids go on exams and when you dont have an exam on a specific day, you're on study leave and dont need to be at school, so in my case, we have a week and a half for exams and i need to be there for like, two days, it kicks ass.

exams do suck, but the only real one i have is for english, which was alright...i think :P
sell mine as well...add this to your ad..

Whiny, arrogant, loud, annoying, Big-boobed bimbo...
(nice entry picture)
boys are pretty much overrated and hard.
pain in the but.
but thanx!!
oh, gee, I'd take her but i already have one.
inside. :( my school/town/life is so boring
Well...I thought that working for someone as lovely as me was gratifying enough. And there WERE benefits involved (oooh wink wink nudge wink nudge nudge wink...), but then i met this boy, see...and edwardo's only benefit then was mild health if he scratched himself i put a bandaid on it. Also it's a benefit to work for me!!! of course!
i love yer header icon. i hate bush. watchin...bum bum bum the news.
omg thats so fish, Lorenzo (lol) died a couple months ago-and i freaking cried. haha i cried over a FISH. but he was such a pretty fishy...he was such a good
Lorenzo Cornelious (his middle name haha)
May he R.I.P. <3
i'm only confused about why edwardo ran away from me in the first place...sigh..

it's not like i was abusing him that that much...
yeah, we dont get our yearbooks until the beginning of the next year..which isnt so cool. but whatev ;P
well schools do things differently. though i think it makes more sense to take this years picture..THIS year. haha

but im sorry about jim jim, may he rest in peace.
AAUGH your fish, GOD evidently thinks that this is an apocolypse of the animals...*tear* i love you and i think you should be happy=]!!
poor dear...

hhahahahaha i'm hilarious with my punnage.

anyway. i bet Edwardo missed me so much that he purposely tried to get fired and said there are no fries at 9 at jackinthebox.

edwardo loves me.
that is so sad :[
how do you know that that deer was Jim Jim?? it could've been another deer
i know. same here. he's forever hated by me