
Listening to: get looow!
Feeling: poetic
Junior Lifeguards is going great.i <3 it.Emma is an assistant this year! But i barley get to hang out with her because shes an assistant which realllllly sucks =( BECCA REYNOLDS IS DOING JGS! wooo! yayyyy! But other than that, i lost 1 pound! I have to babysit Friday and Saturday.I DONT want to at all..but i'll get a lot of money and..thats all im in it for =) hahaha i dont really have a lot to sayyyy so i think im gonna go.byye. MY GOAL: no fast food this whole month!
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Hey this is ashley! bur on a different name! so add me! and tell me how you can make your back ground like that... i have mine all cute but its only in the middle... help me!
Cool backround, i like it.
No fast food? wow i dont think i could do that at all! i couldnt live without rosas! ha but you dont have a rosas where you live, if you did, you would sooo understand!
gurl, if u can not eat fast food for a whole month then u r my new hero!! i live 1 hour from the closest KFC or Maccas. have u eva tried a Twister?? if u haven't then i am telling you that you have to go to KFC and get one RIGHT NOW!! they rule the house. do u have twisters over there?? if you don't then you are missing out!
keep cool