@ alexas once again.....

Feeling: fantastic
me and alexa went surfing today! =) it was really fun.xcept the waves were crappy..but next weekend were gonna go down by seaward and surf there.it will be awesome. i wish i didnt have to go to school tomorrow..i have soooo much stuff i need to do..i still have to do my laundry and wash my pe clothes,i have a bunch of homework i need to do..AND i still have to go over to jills house to practice our dance for school tomorrow..(i take dance instead of pe..) and there are 7 girls in our dance group and only 4/3 of them know it well..me and jill know the whole thing really good but were gonna get a bad grade for them slacking off..ughhhhhhh! well hopefully things will go well ..no pictures for you guys today...
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i take dance at school instead of gym too! thats awesome that u surf, super cool. i have no talents...except dancing? haha. but anyway, yea that one guy thats makin u feel like u did the wrong thing? yea uh ignore him because u did the RIGHT thing :-P...wanna be friends?
Ah come on when do we get to see pictures!! Haha.
hey hunny, woo, im so glad you got to come over today, i had fun! too bad the waves sucked, but alteast we caught a couple & next weekend will be soooo much better & maybe we can go over by your house like you were talking about or we could just go to seward... ahh, i wanted to kill that old lady that was telling us how to sit on our boards! what a bitch, but that old guy was so cute, haha... "hey you mooned me today, i just remebered" hahaha...
just wait ill get you back, hahaha. oh & we need to use tat underwater camera next time, we forgot about that. weeeeeee. haha. anyways i had fun, oh & i cant wait until summer when we do junior life guards that will be so fun! anyways, love you, ttyl.
ha i don't live on the shore... i doubt i'd be a good surfer anyways
maybe you should
do one of those plealate things
and kick them outta the group
glad you had fun!
hey babe.* whats goin on? i haven't talked to you in forever.* well.. i don't really have time right now but i'll talk to you layder.*

xoxo // stephanie

ps. i love you.*