rain rain go awaaayy..<3

It didn't rain today, but it was still pretty cold. There is snow in the mountains, how amazinnggg. it's pretty =) Southern California shouldn't have rain though! It's all about the perfect weather and beautiful sunshine =) After school i went to a church activity at 5:00, it was fun. we learned how to make cinnamon rolls from scratch!..so much fun x3 When the cinnamon rolls were in the oven cooking, we worked in our personal progress book..and hopefully i'll be able to pass a few things off in there..that way i'll feel like i'm doing more for Jesus Christ and maybe i'm getting closer to my resolution!? I left around 7:15..came home..went online, and now i'm updating. I need to get a few things from the mall..so hopefully i can go this weekend. Fears that are endless, dreams that make me cry, all i got was hurt and pain that made me wanna die, i thought about the heartache i know i'd have to go through, but all of it was worth it , to have my chance with you... that was to no one particular, just thought it was a cute poem, in a sad way? laaaaate jerkkks
Read 4 comments
haha, thanks for saying I'm kick ass. Awesome for getting snow in So Cal, but you're right, it almost doesnt belong. And cinnamon rolls from scratch. that... is... AWESOME! haha yep. later!
Hey!! aww you make me feel sooo special when you tell me how much you miss me!! lol!!! so how was your day! guess what i did! i got alan sick! he called me when i was going to school and he told me he was staying home and he wanted me to go and see him after school! too funny! we watched the girl next door and forrest gump! i love that movie! and his mom made us spagetti! :)lol ha well....read more in my NEW entry! lol --ashley
hey u - its been a long time. :)
How r u?
good holidays? good new year? I hope so!
I didn't make any resolutions this year.. I can't stick to them! haha.
Have a good one.
Your diary is really cute