Aikido kid *cough(sucks)cough*

Listening to: simon and garfunkle
Feeling: inferior
This kid who wants to be my friend in my martial arts class is a ... Well I don't like him. I go there for the strick purpose of learning to defend myself, I'm not even interested in getting new belts. He doesn't even ask if he wants to practice separatly drags me off the mat to another and begins practicing his test. I do NOT want to be his uke for his test, let alone waste half of class for the few days I get to go. I only go in the winter and summer when there is no running seasons, so I don't have much time to learn up so I feel I can hold my own. Then later after that I ended up getting paired with him, and he acts like an empty shell letting me do whatever I want to him, while telling some story I could care less about and is totally inapropriate. And he restates stuff over and over again. What an idoit! I want to never talk to him. If we were in school I'd ignore him like I do everyone I hate (most people). But I feel like trying to be respectful inside the dojo. Next time I'll be completely upfront with him "I don't want to listen to your story and I don't want to practice with you. I came here to learn. The only reason I practiced with you before was because I'm tame and try to be nice." And hopefully he would get the point, otherwise I'll just get lyle who will probably smack both of us. Gir my parents hehe pay 35 dollars a month for this, why would I waste the little time I have on that peice of ... well lets keep this nice, I don't curse and I won't give him the dignity of making me mad. Which would be quite alot. Bye like
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it's a human right to live. i honestly think that the democrats could have picked a better candidate. i just don't really like bush that much. i don't have too much against him though

bye like

party on!

Yeah I love tennis, sorta like running to you I think, best thing ever can never get sick of it! Well cya later