I don't want to be around when they smoke that shit anymore

Listening to: Heart-crazy on you
Feeling: self-conscious
I went over to carrissa's and there were alot of people. And first they were out at the tree smoking (cigarettes) and waiting for pot. And Jackie hadn't came yet, so I had a hard time fitting in, or relaxing. But then they got some pot from mike malmberg. And he went with us. And then finally I wait for Jackie at carrissa's while they go smoke the stuff at some park. And we go to get them, and she's all paranoid of mike, who was her first boyfriend. I wanted to ask, but I don't know what to ask. But she was really uneasy. And then some other kid I don't like came. We jumped on the trampoline and carrissa and nate smoked on the side of the house. Jackie was just unnerved about mike. I was tooish. I think I'll ask her about what happened between them. Then we went inside and watched monster squad, clearly a movie I should be high to watch. And me and Jackie laid together, that was alright. Then it was hard to leave but I got home on time. I was so afraid when I came home that I'd smell like that crap. I don't want to be a pot smoking, sex doing, druggy idiot teenager. Those people were. Well I actually think better of Savanah, a little. And I just like Carrissa for some reason. But everyone else is. I don't want to be steriotyped with them. Or smell like them. It smelled like beef jerky when I got home. Bye like
Read 2 comments
Thanks. yeah, i do have so pretty good friends. and i like them, so its cool lol.

I hope your next birthday is better. Is it coming up?

Good for you for doing what you want to. Lots of people don't. And dont worry, you don't sound anything remotely close to just another stereotypical teen. So again, good for you.
everyone would love to smell like beef jerky this magazine took a poll and that was the #1 smell...... i kid you im just joking good night