1 month...

Listening to: DeVotchka again
Feeling: ok
1 month & I'll be going home for Christmas. I really am ecstatic. There's so much to look forward to about it. I can see my Dad and smoke and be cynical about the whole world with him. I can see my mum and she can make everything better for me with a side order of hot milk in the morning and too many vitamins. I can see Alia & the gang (I owe her 10 quid, don't let me forget.) & we can get pranged big time...it's been so long. I can see my cats & dog...I miss my Spook. And most of all I can forget this place (Newcastle) for a while. Today we sent a letter to our landlord requesting that he release us from the contract if we agree to leave in December & still pay until February. We called him the other day to talk to him about it but he is totally unreasonable & was just not listening to us so Kris told him he was a shit landlord, which is true but unhelpful to the situation and the landlord was like "come here and say that to my face, I'm coming to the fucking flat..." So Kris stormed off to the office and I called back and tried to be reasonable saying it had got out of hand. But he started insulting Kris and yelling at me so I told him to shush whilst I was trying to talk and he got really pissed and was like "Don't fucking call me at my office and tell me to shush" and put the phone down on me. So I called back and was like "I'm sorry did you just put the phone down on me? That's really rude and unprofessional" and then it just got stupid and he was yelling at me and I was yelling at him.
Read 3 comments
that was me who said whats a quid
what's quid?
[Anonymous (]
yeah you're right its fucked that my bf isn't down with me chillin with my best friend. i'm trying to work at it but he's so damn summer. its already old and so sick of it. i never wanted to be the girl who chooses theboyfriend over the friend. ughh