I won't lie...

I'm higher than Sputnik right now. Rolled a quality spliff finally...that's another skill I need to hone. Got home and my mum and step-dad were in the kitchen, really needed to just mong out but Nigel was shitfaced thus commenced a discussion that lasted 40 minutes, about the economy and the colonisation of Mars. xxx
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What's a spliff?

with you as the catalyst, i began writing down ideas of the screenplay. it has moved from its previously thought-of perch, but not far from it; an exciting something waiting for me to catch up. yes, harvest has old man and the needle and the damage done. bravo. better use of gray matter to hone drumming and writing skills. stay on the flight though for life's sake.
Yea art therapy is something that I really enjoy i want to incorporate it to a normal practice of psychology. I know it helps a lot of people so i hope to continue with that.
As far as London goes I would have never have pictured it that way I mean i guess when your born and raised there you see somewhere different than someone who is not you know. So what made you want to do creative writing?
fist i want to start out by saying I'm so jealous that you live in London it compared to the states i bet it pretty sweet. As for the boys i could see being on the other side of England being a problem. I'm in for psychology and art therapy.
I hope he's worth the wait too, everything he has shown me so far is worth it...
I hate when they are taken it makes me mad b/c then if they cheat you can't take em b/c your constantly thinking well they cheated on that girl he could cheat on me. And distance sucks but I take it he goes to school with you (uit)right? what does it stand for? And what's your major?
I would start now well I would started 2 hours ago if it wouldn't be for the fact my friend has it really it's hers and she went away for the weekend hence why it's a more boring night than if she was around. But I need to get some before i go back to school or make a special trip home for it it's about 10:48 her in Pennsylvania, the middle of no where..lol
its not intrusive, but i'm not sure if i would keep it or not. and making that decision is what scares me.
well i guess that entry sums up me i try to write nice but i hate putting on the act sometimes it just comes other it's force. I found the quote once forgot about it then remembered and it's a great quote. As for the guy thing perhaps we can help each other though it..I have a long wait I don't know about you mine's focused on school work don't blame him though but it's going to be another 2 or 3 years he's getting his phs in physics...you entry made me realize what I should have been dong about 2 hours ago..lol
i'm afraid of doing a pregnancy test, i'll wait another month and then we'll see. i think i would rather give birth to an alien baby than to a normal baby. just sayin.

alsoooo, this entry really made want to go out buy some weeeeeeeeeed.
I would love to give you some of my sleeps take have it, I am in school I could with stand not to sleep sometimes. =) And I know it's bright I really like bright colors it's also based off a quote that fits me right now by Albert Camus~“In the midst of winter, I found within myself an incredible summer”
Hey I'm really interested in the way your right let alone what you write about sounds a lot like my life only i sleep...to much..lol