
Feeling: alright
ohai! Geez it's been so long since I've been on here! I've missed you SitDiary! So, life updates: -I started college. it's the shit. everyone told me it would be easier than my high school, but no, it's not. It's really hard and really stressful. I'm in news writing, JOMC 153, and it's so difficult, you spell a name wrong and it's an automatic minus twenty five points. But I do love it :) -I'm writing for the Daily Tar Heel! I'm on the city desk, and I love it! :) The time commitment is RIDICULOUS though. I was told I'd be writing one day a week...I've been in EVERY day this week. The DTH is so legit, too :o) It's like, actually a real newspaper. The primary news source for the town of Chapel Hill. -I'm still with Sam. It's been nine months now! We've had our share of issues, lately, though. It's all because of his mom...AGAIN. First, they don't bring me to A-day. Now, they're not bringing me to Plebe Parent Weekend...and I really, really wanted to go. That hurt me so bad. They said "They don't really know me." bullshit. I've gone out of my way to get to know them--I got fucking coffee with Sam's mom. you know how uncomfortable that was? But I did it. Cos I'm a good girlfriend. and I'm doing everything I can to make his parents like me. but they're fucking cunts, and won't give me a chance. I don't know. When they upset me so much, it gets so hard to separate him from them, to remind myself that he's defending me with every shred of himself. And I know he is. His parents are just unreasonable. Other than that, our relationship is going so well...the long distance thing really isn't that hard. Yeah, I've only seen him in person for seventeen hours in the last 3 months, and yes, that's difficult. but I talk to him so much, and it works. I think. Day by Day. Whatever. and I get to see him in a week! -I hate my roommate. She's the weirdest person I've met i my life. easily. It's just this year. It's just this year. It's just this year. fuck. fuck. fuck. -I saw Carbon Leaf for the fifth time last week -It's getting colder here. -There are NOT enough boys on this campus. I miss having guy friends! I had so many in high school! I mean, I meet a lot of guys, but I've only got two legitimate guy FRIENDS here. Like friends who you can go chill and do nothing with, just the two of you. Obviously, I'm not looking for a romantic relationship right now, but 70-30 women is fucking horrible. I just want more testosterone in my life. as FRIENDS. -I'm going to NYC! Any suggestions on things to do while up there? I've only got one day... -I actually went to a football game. ha. We won 42-12, and I was bored as hell. I'm not a football gal :) oi, that entry was way too organized. I miss it when thoughts just spewed out of my head!
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