You looked funn..errr nice sis, was that marina with you or one of your friends? Have fun
lol thats sooooo funny did u get together with marina well looks like u guys had fun and its been a long time scence weve talked tear
We all miss u
That sounds like fun...i would go, to where i don't know but sounds like fun, ohhh on the 24 my parents are going to the Raliegh Charter Open House....and im coming...its gonna be boring...ohh well...
Your a chick Magnet.....wait ummm thats not right.....ohhh yeah
r u pissed at me or do u not remember me that makes me sad u hate me dont u
I like those Kelly!
which one...
can you send what ever it was to i lost the password for the_black)skateboard
i checked the goku one....nothing was there
you did send it to right
NICE sounds like loads of fun...i'll see if i can go..which starbucks..
im just gonna ask them tell you what they say tomarow and then see what happens i know they will probably say no but if they do then i willjust get my brother in law to take me...
Ok im so happy ur not mad at me its just that u would not talk to me Tear so im happy now
yarrr me matey!