my teacher tried to eat me...

lol...i dont really have to pee, i just thought it was a funny mood...i dont think thats really even a it?? i have met so many cool people through this diary, and i am so lucky to have them in my life!! lol! i know ive only known them for a short while, and dont technically know them, but i feel like i can tell them anything and not be guys!! *~*~*~*Complete Change of subj.*~*~*~* my dad hit a dog last night on our way to ODU's open house...i almost started crying...this thing came out of no where. it hit the front passenger side bumper and i could feel it hit the bottom of the car. it was sick. it lived though...i think its ok... my little brother was crying, hes 10 and loves dogs...when my dad jumped out of the car, i could hear it crying. it sounded like it was was one of the worst sounds ive ever heard. the owners of the dog just opened the door and let the dog run inside...didnt even come out to talk to my not a tree hugger or anything, but growing up on a farm taught me that animals should have value to people. they are not just a possession...they are family. if someone hit MY dog, id be pissed as hell... my journalism teacher is gay. i had a story due today, and i brought the wrong floppy, and she made me come back to school to give it to her. it takes me 20-25 min. to get to school. i know this doesnt seem like a big deal, but any other day, she would have said to bring it to her the next morning... thats all for now....ill ttyl :::Gets ready for the ass slapping:::
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Assume the postion ::slap::. I forgot what I was going to say......oh well. Yes you are one of those cool people.....ummmmmm ::slap::.....slaping is the best....Spanky was the best little rascial ever!