long time no see

Listening to: sorry 2004
Feeling: old
its been along time since i wrote last, but i can't make this a long entry. ive got damn exams all next week and the teachers are swamping us w/stuff to do. its ridiculous....thank god im a senior...its easier...lol... ill write more later, and i know ull b back to read, cuz ur life revolves around my diary right?? lol...maybe i wont even have time to update....maybe tomorrow...or saturday...who knows....lol
Read 3 comments
How did you know!!! Shhhh I don't want the whole world to know my life revolves around reading ur diary I wanted it to be a secret... :/ lol
Yeah exams suck really bad. Well atleast it will all be over in a week. Hope you do well on your exams. Though once you've got accepted to a college it seems like the difference between a B and a C doesn't even matter any more.
hey hey...long time no talk. i too have not updated my journal, cuz i have moved over to livejournal, but sometimes i still come on here to check in with the cool people :)