This place is a damn ghost town. Lord knows its been months since I've updated. Lots has happened. Don't feel like typing it all out, just need to let out some aggression. Heres the rundown:
-Quit Kroger after 6.5 yrs
-Got a new job as a preschool teacher
-2 months later got laid off
-on unemployment for right now
-almost lost my grandpa
-my friend who got married in march is now going through a divorce.
-we're probably going to be losing our house...our landlord is dying
This has all happened within the last 3 weeks...i need so desperately for something good to happen soon its not even funny.
I'm now drinking alone. I'm moody. I'm depressed. I'm alone in general. I can't remember the last time ive been so low.
Encouragement. Please.
=] Good luck.