It's not hard to dream.

Listening to: Hokis- Eve 6
Feeling: torn
So yeah... Since I said I'd re-update, I shall. Kat is making an LJ now which makes me smileh. =) I have a new one but... It's pretty much just for personal stuff so I'm not going to give out the name. School today was crap. I mean, I'm getting alomg with my friends, which is a good thing, but I really hate this school so much. Me and Steph might be dissagreeing about a lot lately but we come together in the all-knowing feeling that there is little to no tolerance in M-E. Really, we're watching Of Mice and Men and these asshole guys we've known pretty much since third grade or making fun of Lennie's speach impediment in the movie and the part where he breaks Curley's wife's neck. Steph just turns around and seriously snaps on them and says how immature that is... And she's right and one of the guys is just like "Ok... You can turn around now" and then the other sits there muttering "He's not retarded... He's just stupid and it's funny" and by this point I turn around and I'm like "He'd have autism if it was classified as a mental disorder back then, and whether he's stupid or not, it's not right to make fun of it" They just laughed at us but really. Elementary school and middle school are over. When are people going to learn how horrible it is to insult people with mental dissabilities? I wouldn't be taking it to the level I am right now I there wasn't more to it then that, because something that didn't pertain to a fictional character went on in gym today and someone I've been asking nicely to stop mocking this boy who has some mental disabilities just kept going and I had to again tell him how wrong it was, whether he finds this person humorous and slightly annoying or not. He's honestly not much higher up on the social bar himself. Wow, I told Steph karma is gonna ride their asses and they're going to be cursed with some horrible thing in their lives that people are going to mock... Atleast that's what I'd hope would happen so a lesson could be learned. Too bad I have no belief system whatsoever to back anything up on.
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