Now I'm stealing her body...

Feeling: infuriated
Oh look. I updated this. Gee, it's been quite some time coming. Time for a rebirth I guess. Hmmm... I went to be at 8:00 AM this morning after spending two hours text messaging and five to six hours on the phone is hushed whispers and soft voices. My God. I love this girl so fucking much. Everything she says and does makes me so incredibly happy. I love how we can just talk for hours and hours about absolutly nothing at all-- And honestly, I feel like last night was like a milestone and a determining point in our relationship for me. We weren't fighting and although it was full of adoration and I love yous, that wasn't the entire conversation. They were real conversations and back-and-forth responses. We don't have the same views on everything, but the fact of the matter is, we accept them. We talked for hours about life, about death, about sex and love, about getting an apartment together, about what life would be like, about what's out there... And there's so much more I want to ask her that I couldn't think in that sleepy dazed period to even bring up. Does she believe in ghosts? Aliens? Miracles? Soulmates being reborn again and again since they continue to go on? Who's her favorite artist? Where will we get married and will it have to be out of state or country? What's her favorite icecream? Favorite cake? What movie will we watch together first? Does she prefer my sitting in her lap or her sitting in mine? How old was she when she first got her period? Who's her favorite relative? If she could be one person for a day, who would she be? Does she drink coffee at all? Iced cappuccinos? Can we get a waterbed? Will she REALLY ravage me if I change in front of her? Where would we go out to dinner? Will she teach me to play DDR? Sing kareoke? I still haven't played the piano for her... I want to. There's things I think of each day as I begin to love her more and more. She's brilliant and absolutly amazing... And I'm about to pass out so I'm heading back to bed. Adieu. I love you.
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You're amazing.
Last night and the night before were amazing.
(I love your new layout)
I can never thank you enough for every sweet word you've written or said.
I love you.
God, how I love you.
I answered every question.
Will you answer them all for me?
I want to know EVERYTHING about you.
Marry me, please?
I'm all yours.
Baby girl...
I love you.