Titles are for losers.

Listening to: Magdelina- APC
Feeling: antsy
Damnit. I feel like shit. Like in a physically deteriorating way. Maybe I'm PMSing. I'm not really sure. I'm just cold with a soar throat and a headache. I can't barely keep my eyes open. I can't concentrate on anything. I'm too scared she's with him and that would break me into way to many pieces to be fixed. I have nowhere to go right now and wouldn't go anywhere anyway because I'm too tired and nausious. Being sick sucks. Being inlove sucks harder. Being Dani blows like a bullemic. (I like that metaphor... It is a metaphor right?) Whatever. Can't bother to think anymore. Sick or not, I need to get out of this house. Call me before I go completely insane? (Like anyone reads this thing anyway)
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