Broken-hearted loser...

Listening to: Broken- Seether
Feeling: faded
I miss you... Because even though you're not conventionally gone, it's like every word you're saying is censored incase someone is over your shoulder and nothing is private and our's anymore. Brenda can always tell when she picks up the phone whether I've been crying or not. Well, maybe it's just that I've known her so long, and maybe I can't blame you because you couldn't tell how much I just needed to talk to /you/ last night. Hell, I've needed to just talk to you for an entire week now. It's not your fault though. I guess I need to accept that. It's not your fault. Just known that I miss you more then words can express. I miss in depth conversations and /really/ being able to just laugh and not have to worry. Maybe it's just me. Maybe we've been talking the same ammount and nothing's wrong and I'm just blowing things out of proportion again... Or maybe what I need to hear is that you miss me too. I love you. So much. And I'm always here no matter what. The worst is over so we're just waiting to go back up now.
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I miss you too, and I could tell you had been crying, but what could I say? I have no privacy now, and am more constricted than ever. It's not physical but just kind of looming in the bg when mom's around listening. I hate it, and I miss you. I'm sorry I haven't been able to be a comfort, mainly because I can't right now. Things are turned upside down. But, things will get better, and I loff you :D and my package should come this weekend. < 3