Full-blown Technicolor

Feeling: abnormal
You know you want Andrew McMahon. I know I want Andrew McMahon (lead singer of Something Corporate for you losers who don't like them or are just clueless) But yeah... New background/layout stuff. I didn't really change much besides the colors and picture itself. Pink got boring though. Today was shit as usual, but that's no new news. Atleast I passed my pratical exam on CPR in health. Me and Mercedes proceded to go to the library and bug Rachel. They're composing a rock opera. Robert is in it. Daley wants me to write/draw her comic with her. I feel so flattered. She says we can sell them in mass. Steph looked all pissed that Daley asked me about it. I don't think she thinks I can draw. Aw well. Point is I think it's a cool idea, and it's not like I could ever write something on my own and actually have the ambition to keep it up. Dan burned me a copy of his Incubus CD and I gave him his MCR copy. He says I'm his hero. < 3 He looks damn sexy with my pink headphones on. I'm burning Celeste MCR and then I get to burn Gwen Stefani from her. Gwen is so hot. She's up there with Andrew McMahon, Keram Malicki-Sanchez and my Katherine. =) The bus driver asked me why I don't have a boyfriend this year. I told him it's cause I like girls. I'm such a freak. I like watching people's expressions. < 3
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yuppers...the wonderfullness of the rock opera...and Sexy Robert...and passing CPR...and the new "SEX" unit in heath...And comics sold in Mass...and sexy dan -> looking even more sexy in pink headphones...WOW, thats alot to take in...
Have a good...whatever
LMAO!!! is your bus driver a girl?! blow her a kiss!! lmaooo<3sah