{insert creative title here}

Feeling: abnormal
So yeah... Thai food again tonight! Hell yes! I heart Sabadee so much. Crunchy noodles are a God-send. < 3 Llama loves me... Even if she was being annoying as hell today asking me who I was talking to online. Matt's sitting at his desk going "Danielle, are you a lesbian?" Wow. Families are funny things. Good times though. It has been an uber eventful weekend with the skate park show, the whole Rocky ordeal and Rachel's mishaps there, Bill smacking Steph's ass... Allish being a sweet heart and getting to meet Kelly. =) I hope Paco isn't too mad I didn't visit him yesterday. Seriously, depressing things just aren't supposed to happen at Rocky. It's like taboo or something. So yeah, there was that, and then making plans last night and talking to Kat without her mom being evil. I'm rambling right now so none of this makes sense, but yeah. It was nice to actually just not have to worry about things for once. I'm also excited now because I actually have plans for next weekend, and they involve shopping and watching VG! Seriously, I never have plans so this is nice. It's always play rehearsal or sitting on my ass doing HTML for one of my journals, but sometimes it's nice to feel like I have a life. Then again, I'm really excited about play rehearsals now because after reading through the script and hearing some of the numbers, Seussical sounds like it's going to be a hell of a lot of fun! Maybe if I'm lucky I can get to work on the costumes some. That would just make my... My... Play? (Not sure how to word it) So yeah, here's to the biggest jumble of words I could possably get together. I seriously need to get my head back on my shoulders because the last couple days have just felt really off my little OCD schedule. C'est la vie I suppose.
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how do you get the entries on the right side.