When I catch my breath, it's you I breath.

Feeling: wired
I love her... To the moon, the stars, and beyond... And if that isn't enough, we can add in the neverending universe which seems to be just the right size. =) We got to talk. Yay. Talking = loss of tension = Dani went to be smiling for the first time in two weeks. Really, I did. I was giddy and happy and fell asleep with her bracelets on having no stress on my mind. Sure, my walls and dressers are completely bare because the painter is coming Tuesday, and everytime I actually open my eyes I get really freaked out... But that's besides the point! They'll be pretty and green and purple soon enough. They'll even be new bedding, new lamps, new posters, a new computer, and a rug to match. I'm so excited. Having the same walls since you were 10 gets really boring really fast. Yesterday was just a decent day. Crooks let me, Mercedes, and Steph skip gym so we went and visited people in the art room. Katie laughed at me cause I said Pearlie gets sad when she can't lay eggs. I'm not used to just being laughed at... Seriously. It was fun times. Daley and Emma were there as well. I finished my two essays for my midterms so that's a load off my back as well. Seventh I went down to art again and we ate Emma's Hawaiian wedding cake. I love that girl. The Doublestuff Oreos song won't leave my head. (I annoyed Kat with that later! ^^; ) Brandon kept trying to convince people that he wasn't saying "Waddayalike?" He's such a dork. Allison got all surprised when she found out he sits out and doesn't particapate in gym. (Hey, I think that's what makes him so spiffy!) Sunshine stole my shirt. =( Well, not really, but he's cool enough to have the JEW shirt in his size which isn't cool. He's the only person I know who can pull off a track jacket, tight kakis, and a JEW shirt in the same outfit. I wish I could be as emo as Dan. lmao. Just kidding... Sorta. Physics me and Brenda chilled. Nothin new there. She says I always make her laugh though so I felt really happy. I got to see my shrink yesterday too so that always makes things good. Mum picked me up and brought me a brownie, mac & cheese and KAT'S PACKAGE!! This is why I love her to death. I think I squealed the whole way there cause Kat's like the prettiest person I've ever seen. (seriously) < 3 < 3 I was so touched. It was great, and I got into some phylosophical discussions with Dr. P that I never get to talk about so in a way, even though they're slightly strange things to talk about, it was good to get them out. I got home and called a very beautiful lady. We must have talked for like 4 hours. I feel bad she was so bored though. =( Hope your neck feels better, doll! Her dad is awesome though. He makes me giggle. We watched I Love The 90's. Hal Sparks is god... Especially when he has pink tips in his hair. < 3 I missed that kid so much. Really, it was way too long and it felt good to finally just be able to chill. I love you, sweets! Tons. So yeah, then had to get all the posters off my walls to paint which wasn't so much fun and watched Napoleon Dynamite with the whole family. That was more fun. It's my new favorite movie. I heart it. I wish I had a Napoleon to rock my socks. Really, kids just aren't that cool in my school. Psh. Alright, well, I forget what I was writing about so I'm gonna go. Talk to you kids later. ^_^
Read 2 comments
Where did you get your background?. i love itt
Ohh; yehh i might just have to doo tht. it is soo cool =). ix3 Sugarcult too =)