
Tonight there is a band concert at SV. Hopefully I will be able to get a ride so that I can go, otherwise, I might have to walk, which would really not be very fun. Also, I'm so excited that school is almost over (plus there is a Lagoon trip for the freshman!!!). Summer will be a pleasant change from school. Marching band is going to be freaking awesome this season; I have heard the music the band is playing (I'm in the colorguard) and it is SOOO wicked! Its going to be a great season. Maybe I ccan even convince Bedont to let me ride the woodwind bus back from parades...that would be great.
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Heya! How's it going?
Sweetie, you spelled "Eleanor" wrong. That's a great quote, but cite it the right way! I think that's how you spell it, but you might want to make sure. A typo like that makes you seem kind of stupid.

Jen ♥