Auditions for La Mis were today. The girl who was behind me (number wise) told me that I did really great, but I don't think that I did. *shrugs* I wasn't really doing it for the "have to be in" sort thing, it was more of ''get the experience'' thing. Oh well. I guess I shall find out tomorrow how I did. Landon just showed up a while ago. I started writing this entry and the doorbell rang and it was him. So I changed out of my audition clothes and we hung out--he decided to tickle me near to death. I'm glad I sort of know what is going on now. He called me last night and we talked for over an hour, mostly just random stuff, but we also talked about us. He said he's still confused, but that he just wants me to know that he isn't breaking up with me. He said he loves me, and said it four times in that conversation. I love him so much. Goodness. *sigh*
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oooh landon showed up at your house! that's what i always wanted in a bf. a guy who'd call and visit you out of the blue just 'cause he wanted to be with you. i'm glad you're doing okay! *hugs* love you
Mm! Morgan! I hope things are turning out better for you! You're amazing! Thanks for cheering me up the other day! You're AWESOME!
If you want, I have his email.. and you can email him a goodbye... just in case you're interested