I'm a lobster...well, red like one anyways. I keep forgetting to put sunscreen on so I've burned a bit at band. But on the upside we have a really really REALLY cool thing that we do in ballad...oh man oh man. I'm so excited. I wish I could have seen it. Section sprit day was today...lol, it was fun. The trumpets won, but they earned it, they planned the whole thing so well. They were "rich snobs" or something to that effect. The mellos were Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, baritones were chess pieces, tubas were body guards, saxes impersonated each section, clarinets were Hawiaiian natives, flutes (me!) were at a luau, the colorguard were competetors in the Miss United States contest, and the drumline/pit were signs. It was fun. Scary though--school is in exactly one week from today.
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I'm excited for school because then I'll get to see YOU! Love you girl!