Ok, so last night was so intense! Me and Josh broke into the final round with our duo...ok, not like it was a huge surprise...ok I guess it kind of was. I'm just glad me and Kayla didn't break in PF...that would have probably driven me nuts-oh.
Anyways...so the last round was basically all Sky View people against Sky View people. There was only one other team that wasn't from our school.
In the final round, there were so many shadowers...holy goodness, I can't even believe it. We had all the desks in the room filled, and all the floor space besides the performing space filled. It was CRAZY scary, like...Whoa.
The awards thinger was interesting...this whole tournament was really well run and the awards was no exception. The host school's debate coach would have one event on the stage and another in the wings getting ready to come up when they finished giving awards to the event on the stage. They only did placings for 1st, 2nd, and third in duo, so me and Josh only got "finalist" awards, but it doesn't even matter. The fact of the matter is that we made it to the finals round, and that in of itself it a great feeling.
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