Oh man, if I could get pictures on here (My dad lost the card reader) I would put before and after pictures on here of me. My face is almost literally a rectangle. Of course, there is the pain that comes with it, but I'm doing ok. Irronically, the only thing in the past two days that I have been able to keep down is chocolate pudding. It helped keep my pain pills down too.
Uggh, one of the girls at work didn't get this weekend off and she needs it off because her family made these huge plans. So she called me up, but she didn't know that I'd had my wisdom teeth out at all yet. I could possibly end up working tonight, if I'm feeling up to it. I will call at about four-ish, four-thirty and talk to whoever is opening, and tell them that I may or may not come in. Because I really don't feel good enough to be going to work, but I want Chelsea's shift to be covered too. *sigh*
My face kinda hurts...and my pain killer hasn't kicked in yet...
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