well I havent wrote in this in a lonng time.. i will just catch up i guess
my mom left for the cities to see some matt guy that came to our house once and he was drunk and he spent the night and then there was whiskey hidden in our house? i mean come on so after work which would be around 3 am she just left... she left money and she told my sister earlier she was going to go but right before she left to work she told me.. i already knew. but what if sam never told me.. she was lying to she said she was going to go see our aunt cathy. but no she is going to see that stupid guy so i confronted her about it but she just tried to change the subject she lies so much and it just really sucks..
then last night was fun because me and sam went into willmar to bum around then we went to my dads house and he took us out to eat and then to over the hedge which was a awesome movie! on the way back though it sort of sucked because i was texting chris(coles brother) and i asked what cole was up to and he said that cole was at the lake with some danielle chick.. that made me sad.. because. i just dont think i will be able to trust him. he did say he was going to ask me out. but i ask him to do things and he always says no or he is busy and he just doesnt really talk to me. so maybe thats a hint that i was just a phase.
i guess he is just dumb and i should get over him.
me and ally went out horseback riding and my moms horse took off with her which was scary but she said it was fun in a way. otherwise it was fun
ugh i just cant get this whole mom and cole thing out of my head.. i want it to be gone.
another thing that makes me sad is that me and eric dont really talk anymore....maybe i was just a phase of his to.
im glad that its summer and no school though...i have more free time and more things i can catch up on. and more time so i can clean my room its such a mess.
my back itches alot because i got a sunburn and it blistered my back and when i scratched it . it ripped my skin off so now its all scabs on my back and it just itches.
i have to babysit tonight so that should keep me busy i guess...
tony is coming home for 2 weeks soon so i really want to see him. i miss him a lot.
he sent me a letter but i havent got it yet so it makes me wonder if my mom threw it away or read it or something....
i cant really trust her so i wouldnt know.
cole is a jerk. i should have listened to my friends and stop talking to him. but its hard, i cant.
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