um. i signed the papers. but now i regret that more then eve

Feeling: confused
i want to be done with school. i wish i could of had more time to figure this out. i went to maccray today and signed the registration papers. but now i regret it more then ever. i dont think i can go there again. atleast not now. um... wow. this is hard. i sat at home today and wrote the good and bad at being in maccray and willmar. they measure out to be the same but that doesnt matter. its up to me. but i cant make up my mind i really want to stay in willmar and live with my mom. but that wont happen. i regret those papers. i told my mom and she told me to come to the bar and talk to her about it.. and as i sit here and think about it some more. i think about how lonely its going to be here. my mom will never be here sam wont be living here and my mom is moving in one of her friends to my sisters room.. yah i took some deep breaths. and nothing. still confusion. i feel as if im going to be left behind no matter where i go. i hate how maccray school works but i love my friends there. i love how willmar school works and the friends but not the fact that i will be living with my dad. i cant stand being there one day. how could i last one week... 2 months. i mean yah i should try. but i dont want to try because im afraid that the outcome will be me having to go back to maccray and then i will be more hurt then i am now. so maybe i will have my mom tell maccray to put those papers aside for now. i will try dads for 1 week. if it goes bad i will still try one more week. maybe i could talk sam into staying at dads every other week. or only like 3 days a week. because i still need to take care of the animals here. maybe i will just have to talk with jeff again so he can talk me into staying some more.
Read 7 comments
I have that same problem...I would love to live with my mom, but I love my friends here at White Knoll way too much...And I hate living with my dad becuause it's hell...But yea, I unfortunatly don't have a choice lik you do, my mom is very unstable financially and my dad won't let me go...And he has custody...Sadly!
you actually like talking to me... AHHH... That is sweet. But anyway please come to willmar I would be very happy. And we can party all the time so your time at your dad's is very limited
go to willmar as that is where the cool kids are and we would miss you
ooh...the pressure must don't HAVE to come to maccray..if you're happier at willmar just stay there...
hey lindz...yea i want u back at maccray but i think u should stay at willmar cus ure happier there...and i understand y ha...maccray school system is gay...but i really dont no what to say about the dads house vs. moms house thing....but the every other week thing sounds good...sept that the week ure at ure dads ull have to sleep on like a toddler bed...well..i hope to talk to u soon when u have evrything...sorta figured out....heart u! -ally-
Yeah I do but oh well... Yahoo radio is cool but it sucks cuz you can only skip five times every hour
oh this is me too Jeff. I forgot who I was