
yeah. i stole this from shesxinxpain who stole it from ihateflowers. lol how bored am i? wow ive seen this in 22 diarys all across the site... lets keep it goin till it reaches every diary! woot! W H O . A R E . U . . [my name is]: Samantha Christine [love is] : when bryan looks into my eyes and touches my face as he says those 3 lil words [I’m afraid of] : heartbreak, lonlieness, losing bryan, death . . H A V E . Y O U. E V E R . . [pictured your crush naked?] : woo yea. [actually saw your crush naked] : bryan.... he was a crush b4 we dated! and he walks around naked 24/7 [been in love] : yea its like a rollar coaster... those big hills really make me feel sick but the smooth parts are incredible! [cried when someone died] : yes... [lied] : yea... but i dont do it as a habit . . W I T H. T H E O P P O S I T E. S E X. . [what do u notice first?] : arms, lips, eyes, hair [last person u slow danced with] : bryan at homecoming! it was our song too [worst question to ask] : 'please cuz i just stick it in?' bryans a riot . . W H O. . [makes u laugh the most?] : bena [makes u smile] : bryan... even when im trying to be mad at him i smile 2 much... looking at him makes me smile! [give u a funny feeling when u see them] : bryan... i think its love :) [who do you have a crush on?] : haha im stickin with my bry bry [who has a crush on u?] : oh lord... prolly derrick, jason, abe, and anyone else who does w/e i say. [is easiest to talk to?] : heather, jon, bryan, brooke, and maria . . W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R . . [coke or pepsi] : pepsi nilla man! [flowers or candy] : flowers... any color but icky as pink purple or red... my baby knows... hehehe white ones! the corsage was prettyful babies [tall or short] : my height 5'5'' perfect. . . D O . Y O U . E V E R . . [sit on the internet all day waiting for someone to IM you?] : my bry bry! [cried because of someone saying something to you] : hmmm yes too often. im a baby . . W H O . W A S. T H E . L A S T . P E R S O N .. [you talked to on the phone] : kara [hugged] : heather and bryan [you laughed with] : ronnie mike and dakota yetserday on the bus... they are sooo stupid lol . . D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U . . [smoke cigarettes] : 4 newports left in my purse... but i might quit and give them to the highest bidder just 2 be a bitch lol [obsessive]: about music, simple plan mostly. and GC and ataris... random shit like that. [could you live without the computer?] : who could now-a-days? i cant anyways... cuz u have to submit ur homework threw email in 3 out of 4 of my classes. [whats ur favorite food?] : TACOS! [drink alcohol?] : hahaha nicks party was my last 4 a few weeks i have a feeling, i got a tad bit sick. [like watching the sunrises or sunset?] : yes. [what hurts the most? Physical pain or emotional pain?] : emotional... def! [trust others way too easily?] : FUCK NO!!!!! . . F A V O R I T E . . [ Drink ] : de-iced soda or water [ Color ] : GrEeN! woot! [ Album ] : Simple Plan [ Shoes ] : my babis!!!! my white on white vans OH BABY ITS LOVE! [ Candy ] : M&M's the green ones specially.... looks like rbyans bedroom walls! [ Animal ] : my big fat lazy kitty ORION! [ TV Show ] : every morning i turn to 54 and watch my music videos! [ Movie ] : Wuthering Heights, Bruce Almighty, Stir of Echoes, The Ring, mostly romantic shit or scary shit. [ Dance ] : bryan in back me in front... nice slow grind [ Song ] : erm... it changes often... really like. AFI-girls not grey//simple plan-perfect//bubbasparxxx-deliverance//ataris-boys of summer//outkast-hey ya [ Vegetable ] : mmmm.... i LOVE taters! . . A R E .Y O U . . [ Understanding ] : yes [ Open-minded ] : no [ Arrogant ] : can be [ Insecure ] : more than ud ever know! [ Interesting ] : i am but ud never know it [ Random ] : very... i might be bi-polar lol [ Friendly ] : yes [ Smart ] : eh. [ Moody ] : hell yes [ Childish ] : with heather! [ Independent ] : nope i depend on bryan [ Hard working ] : nope [ Organized ] : hell nope [ Healthy ] : nope [ Emotionally Stable ] : hell yep [ Shy ] : in large groups [ Difficult ] : yes! [ Attractive ] : ugh. a lot of guys think so... and my friends... but i duno bout anyone else... doubt it [ Bored Easily ] : well.... ok yea im bored now [ Messy ] : yep ... bedroom looks like this.... (*#$$%^$R&*(((%$##%^&**()_+)*(&^%$@#) [ Thirsty ] : yes yes yes [ Responsible ] : not that i wanna be [ Angry ] : yes at the whores of society [ Sad ] : always [ Happy ] : hardly ever. only with bryan [ Hyper ] : my friends make me that way [ Trusting ] : FUCK NO! thats just asking 4 the hurt... [ Talkative ] : ha i caught myself talking 2 much to kara and jon today. . . W H O .d O .Y O U .W A N T .t O . . [ Kill ] : EVERYONE... but a few people inparticular... grrr WHORES OF SOCIETY [ Slap ] : amanda [ Get Really Wasted With ] : bryan hahaha [ Get High With ] : ill keep that 2 me self [ Look Like ] : a blonde... lol [ Talk To Offline ] : friends. [ Talk To Online ] : friends + random people i dont know . . N U M B E R S . . [of times i have had my heart broken? ] : 4 times... :( [of hearts i have broken?] : a few people have cried to me and said i broke thier hearts... [of boys i have kissed?] : 6 or 7... frenched... 2... derek was the 1st tho it barely counted bryan was the REAL 1st [of girls i have kissed?] : hahaha i kiss heathers cheek [of tight friends?] : tight tight... jen bena bryan heather ronnie maria brooke maybe even tashia? lol and a few others but most arent real tight [of cd's that i own?] : about 40 i suppose [of things in my past that i regret?] : trusting bryan. letting myself hurt over the fact that i love him more then he loved me I KNOW : im pathetic I WANT : to kill everyone hurting me and bryans relationship lol well there wouldnt be a poplulation soon so maybe not. I HAVE : 2 much anxiety I WISH : i could go back in time and never have fought with bryan. ever. I HATE : my life I MISS : jen I FEAR : my own psychotic behavior I HEAR : my bitch sisters bitch mouth I WONDER : why i am still alive I REGRET : pretty much everything ive ever done cuz my life is sorta gay I TRUST : NOBODY NEVER WILL I LOVE : bryan with more love than i have 2 give I ACHE : all over..... I CARE : about bryan I ALWAYS : want to die and kill everyone i hate along with myself I AM NOT : worth it I DANCE : nasty I SING : bryan says: Toxictouch13 [8:01 PM]: good! Toxictouch13 [8:01 PM]: great i love hearing you sing I CRY : all the time I DO NOT ALWAYS : get along with people I FIGHT : myself my family my school even my baby... :( I WRITE : constantly... its all im good at (songs,diarys,stories,books) I WIN : everything i attempt... well pretty much anyways I LOSE : and its cuz i give up I CONFUSE : me self I LISTEN : no no no i never listen u ment I CAN USUALLY BE FOUND : having sex in weird places... bathrooms, dressers, in cars... ect. I NEED : total honesty I AM HAPPY : when me and my baby go places... even if its just to one anothers houses it always seems 2 be the best time of my life, i am happy when he says he loves me I AM SAD: that a few sluts ruined my life and relationship and i didnt get to ruin theirs. im sad that this will 4ever stay with me when they prolly have 4gotten already I SHOULD HAVE : not failed them classes last year so i wouldnt be a tween I THINK : i should get on prozac I TEND TO : put everyone down I TEND NOT TO : get involved in groups THIS TEST: took a long time
Read 4 comments
newports are naaahasty.

PEPSI RAWKS!!!!!!! coke must die! muahaaahahah.. another sexy entry.. just the way i like it.. still feeling depressed?
OMG! your layout is soo cute and the picture with the lil kids omg its soooo cute!! im jealous!
im gonna steal that thing to because im so bored too