*41*Ping pong

Feeling: crestfallen
I'm going to play ping-pong soon. I love ping-pong. So this was a big week event wise. I got my momma's grad invitation. I'm so proud of her. Thats just such a huge deal at her age, or any age. Then Friday was The Day of Silence. Pretty incredible. It was fun, but I couldn't burn people, even mazing ones, so that sucked. I tlked on accident 19 times. Almost the big 20, but I rock. It was all on little things. Someone didn't press start, so I was like "press start.... shit." Pretty funny. Plus we saw the new Harold and Kumar movie. Holy Hell. That movie was f-u-n-n-y. It was hard not to be offended, but it was just too funny. Then I saw my friend's plays. Tenth Annual Ten Minute Play Festival. 8 ten minute plays. AWESOME. I knew Ethan was good, but he is incredible. Then me and some buddies played Lord of the Rings Risk. While watching all the movies, were pretty cool. While doing that I bead War of the Lions. Prety great story, like I wish it was a real war. I got a new book, and I'm almost done with Youth: A Narrative. So I'll start soon. Plus I have no new video games. So it'll be studying, readig, and geetar. That should be decent. So Jordan wont be coming back next year. That will be really hard, but it will be fine. It will be a growing experience, maybe. I had fun with her this weekend. Even though my drunk of a roomate was here. HIS PHONE WONT STOP FUCKING BEEPING. DOES NO ONE KNOW OF THE VIBRATE FUNCTION?!? Oh! I forgot to mention that I slept through 75% of my new job training. Its ok though, Nicks a G. He just said come in this week and I'll catch you up. When they called they acted like he was pissed too. Rat bastards playin tricks haha. So I'm mailing my shit home, then flying home. Should be fun. Meeting halfway with my pops. That will be fun. I've never flone alone. Off to ping-pong! Bow in the presence of greatness.
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you've never flown alone? it's crazy more enjoyable than you'd imagine.