
Listening to: sublime
Feeling: amazed
GOT SOMETHING FOR HIS PUNK ASS!!!good song. Ok, some wierd shit happend at school, josh hit me in the face with a dman gatorade bottle, so im bleeding right there, he scratched me with his freake dout nails(pussy comes to mind) and im just like w/e, thne he does summin wih a chip, and i stabbed his ass wh a pencil. Felt so good, but i love the guy. Lindsay wore a dress yesterday, which she looked gorgious in. We didn have prectice, which makes me sad. I dont know, i was gonan say a lotta stuff, but it wasnt working so i forgot. Late.
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Damn you, Making me miss my bus. Jk, you know I love you! Yeah, I know, what happened to your long-ass paragraph you were gonna write? Whatever. Hah, I still can't believe that damn Gatorade bottle scratched you that bad. And thank you, I like that dress! :D But yeah, I'll see you at school!!!