Listening to: cold world-from me to you
As soon as I get my hands on the right lens I am going to make my entire room into a pinhole camera.
I really REALLY want to quit my job. If I can find a replacement, and a place to live that I can afford, I am doing it.
I got the papers to apply as a double major today.
I loaded my holga with film, and took A picture.
Took pictures with posted some on Tumblr. Pretty neat.
I need to get angry again. I feel like most of my fury has faded with time/age/location.
It has always been hard to get me ANGRY, but I always had a low burning rage, like a constant amount that never changed unless I got furious, which most people haven't seen. Now it is the same, except no rage.
I think Corbin is the only person to see me mad up here, bitch shouldn't have thrown a bottle at me. Michael saw it once, and Jordan saw it once, with an alarm clock.
So I'll work on it. First and foremost, I am saying it, fuck Scott. Eat a dick asshole.
I can't wait to move off campus, fuck.
The ONLY reason I'm doing this is to save my family money, and if I can pay for myself, then there is no point in that. So if I can, I will, if I can't, I won't.
I hope my mom can get me that porter potty pumping job. Me AND Calvin think it will rock. Were poop pumpers ma'am, were here to help. Such a sexy pick up line.
Me and Hanh are done. I was lying, I never liked her, she was just cute. I did a good job lying to myself though, I guess.
4 down.
I need to find a girl worth my time. I probably look like such an asshole to most girls, and I've been one, but I haven't found anyone worth putting my effort into, no one worth being great to. People suck.
I think it has to do with not having that 'click' right away, which happened with Jordan, I don't remember how long it is supposed tot take before I know.
I have a 6 mile run at 9ish, then I don't know what, I haven't much to do. For example, I gave my redbull can a mustache nose beanie and aviators, and made an angry man out of film canisters.
Calvin needs to finish the book so I can have a go.
anything I say on here I have to double check, because I worry I will piss of Jordan out of spite or something, and that sucks. Like I'll say something, realize it was mean and I just said it for no reason.
I miss you and I'm sorry. I wish you were coming up for Halloween.
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