Listening to: rage against the machine
Feeling: athletic
I really wanna swim, cu zim barely soar anymore. Not much to tell about today, went to church, Trevor had a really good sermon. Then we sat on the curb with Gavin for a little while, hes actuall a really cool guy, i hope i talk to him somemore. that sounded kinda fruity but yah. Then he had to go so we talked to the middle schol chillins and jimmy. Then we went home, got bored, came back to church for foosball. Fun fun, thne three games of pool, then tryin to get that huge ball down from the ledge. we just pushed it back farther. Then k-mart, followed by ice tea. Then he had to go, so i was bored for th elongest time, then i started thinking about life, and how im know im gonan screw up. Im not smart enough for collage, its the straight truth, maybe if i do some outstanding shit, i dont know. I get this wierd feeling every so often where the toilet paper is running out. Its liek a nightmare, i can teven explain it, and i keep getting it. like evrey night. Wake up all sweaty and shit, liek even when brandon was here it happened. I liek yelled and he didnt wake up. duumbass. HJaley explained the whole thing with the movies, apparently she was just really yah. I guess she lieks me. I asked her to the dance, but, well mentioned it, the realized i hate dancing and backed out as i was asking it, lol. just great. So yah im bored, wierded out, and wierd ass dreamed. hmmmmm. alright. go me. Late.
We've already had this discussion...
You know you're going to do well in life, you have too good of a personality not to. AND STOP SAYING YOU'RE NOT FREAKING SMART!! Grades don't determine wether you're smart or not, so get that shit outta your head! You are seriously sooo gifted in sooo many ways, you're going to be fine. So stop stressing! MWAH! *linds