Listening to: Ethan on geetar
Feeling: headachy
So I love that people comment me now. I just ask one thing. SIGN IN! If you comment me I'd like to paroose your SD and read yo shit. So sign in, or leave your SD name. I'm pretty satisfied with how many diaries I read, and hopefully how many read mine. On another ot I just finished my star wars essay. The most informal shitty essay I've ever written. When you make fun of essays online, its about this one. Here it is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Star Wars The movie Star Wars: A New Hope is one of the most popular movies of all time, spinning a tale of perseverance, love, and above all else hope. As we follow Luke, we learn how to trust in ourselves, trust others, and trust in the Force. We can take a lot from the Jedi's way of life. From this film we can learn how to accept people for who they are, and be more peaceful in everyday life. Not only this, but this film revolutionized the film industry, with cutting edge special effects. While watching this film, I noticed that it was very beautiful. The areas chosen to film in, in combination with the futuristic vehicles, weapons, and buildings, create a realistic setting that the viewer can dive into and believe in. While the buildings are incredible in themselves, ranging from a sand covered space port to a moon sized space station, the real trophy lies in the vehicles. The space ships are just incredible, and for the time, state of the art. From the smallest land speeder on Tattooine, to the largest Star Destroyers, they look and feel incredible. They look absolutely real, and when they break into hyperspace, you really do lean back in your chair. Maybe the most noteworthy and famous piece of this film is the lightsaber. Everyone young and old today knows what a lightsaber is. Besides being the Jedi's choice of weapon, its the symbol from freedom in the movie. When anyone sees the lightsaber, they know whats going down, and they know they're in trouble. Other than its status in the universe, it was cutting edge in the special effects department. The creators went through several ideas and models before finally coming to the lightsaber we know and love. Although it didn't get much screen time in the this movie, it left a strong foundation for its future use. The area of the movie that I believe was the most influential to viewers was the Jedi ways. Everything that the Jedi believe in can be taken from the film and used in real life. The Jedi don't judge people by race, class or even species, but treat everyone equally. According to them, everyone is bound by one unifying source, that creates all life, and that life is one giant circle, where death only leads further along the cycle. If we learn anything from the Jedi it is to accept people for who they are and not by their skin color, or species. Luke learns this as the movie progresses, by trusting Han and Chewie even though on the surface they looked like the would abandon him once they got the chance. He learns that he can trust others, and in the end it is beneficial. The Jedi also put focus on on one's self. For example, Luke started out as a youth who didn't believe in anything, and relied on technology to succeed, but as the movie progressed, he learned to trust in himself, to rely on his instincts, and trust in the force. This is an incredible asset throughout the film, getting them out of tight situations, and even destroying the might Death Star. If Luke would have have kept on using the computer to aim at the weakness, approximately two meters across(or the size of a womp-rat), he might have missed, but he didn't. He believed in himself and shot himself, and saved the galaxy from the Empire. If we as individuals believed more in ourselves, anything could be possible. Jedi's also believe in peace. The thing that seems odd is that they are warriors, but they aren't warriors, they are keepers of the peace. All they fight for is peace, and are neutral in every fight. They are a group that I wish entire countries were like. If there were more groups like the Jedi, there would be less war and death. This theme of peace over violence to solve problems appears again and again throughout the film, to deal with situation that could be deadly. This film has changed the lives of countless people. The film industry made huge advancements, and the Force is a practiced religion now. The film was big enough to make two sequels, and three prequels, further advancing CGI technology, the way of the Jedi, and the Force's influence over the world. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is it. Commence the abuse. PCE
Read 3 comments
you're a tard, i actually thought it was pretty good. super laid back, but real good. i can tell you wrote it, it's cute.
you're a vegan!? that's awesome. i would love to be a vegan but i'm lazy.. if that makes sense.. it would take too much effort to think about what im eating... but yeah. french toast bread sure is spectacular

oh-e-oh.... u can change ur preferences to make it so people HAVE to sign in!! the power is at ur fingertips.. literally.

i didnt read ur star wars essay... i went to but my eyes hurt.. but I'm sure it kicks jedi arse
AAArrrgh so many words to do with star wars :) sounds proffesional :)

and yay! you've got me as a friend :)

hope your going good
