"I set myself up for the greatest fall of all time"
I can feel myself falling for other guys and i can feel myself failing at the same time. And its really sad how i just sit back and cry as i watch myself set myself up for another painful situation. I mean i know what i MUST do to make it better but everytime I try to, it don't seem to help. When i attempt to take control, i always seem to ruin things. I can never find a way to hold myself back, and my feelings always get the most of me. Yet the feelings i feel, I KNOW are not mutual and I KNOW that they will just hurt me in a while. Its annoying because i have no control in my "life" and i just want to be able to hold myself back, and not plunge into a non-potential crush.
oh new word:
Desex:to take sexual organs away.
Example: Victoria desexed her dog.