Listening to: cute is what we aim for
I've always thought that the first day of school was pointless. We never, ever do anything. It's mostly just the teachers telling us what they expect out of us. And they always seem to have a million and one rules that we can't break or we'll pretty much die. Buuuut besides today being extremely boring, it was okay for a first day.
It's weird to think that we're seniors now. The past three years have gone by so much faster than I ever expected them to. All of us have one more year together, and then we have to go our separate ways. Isn't that sad to think about? For me it is. And I don't like it.
Anyhow, I'm pretty happy with my classes and the people in them. First period I have English, and there's a lot of people in it that I like... Julie, Bre Davis, Sally, Paul, Brett Piersol, and Justin. Then second period I have math with Juile and Tia... but I'm in Mrs. Jenkin's class again and I hate her so I made an appointment with Mrs. Frum tomorrow and I plan on switching into Mrs. Schramm's class instead. And then third period I have Physics with Ali, Juile, Tia, Chris, and Paul. So that'll be fun. Hmmm then fourth I have American Government with Megan =) And fifth I have study hall with Lauren, Sara, and Allie =) Then lunch after that and ACT after lunch. So my schedule's pretty good. I just hope it doesn't get too messed up when I switch math classes tomorrow.
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