my heart hurts

Listening to: jordan sparks
I still feel like I'm living in a dream because nothing about this seems real to me? It seems too impossible. I never thought I could feel this way, or that this feeling was even real for that matter. I always thought it was something that people just made up. Maybe it's because I've never felt this way before. But I do know that my feelings for her are so strong that it makes my heart hurt. How crazy is that? Seriously. And I know that I already told you about last night, but I'm going to tell you again on here because I don't want to forget anything, even though the whole night was unforgetable =] ... hmm but I'll have to tell you tomorrow, because I'm too tired to type it all right now =] tehe.
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you're cute. and you're happy. and you deserve to be. you deserve her. she's awesome and i'm glad she makes you feel this way. it IS real. and it IS happening to YOU. that's the best part