Journalism can be so monotonous sometimes. Just checking over the stupid yearbook pages over and over and fucking over again. And the people in here don't help the situation... they're all popular, pothead, alcoholic assholes. I just don't fit in.
Enough with my whining, today is hopefully going to be a good day.
I'm wearing insanely baggie band pants and a black tee but my hair is like uber messy and in a ponytail and looks like poop.
I was always really uncaring about my appearance but ever since I saw the wonderful movie, Garden State, it has escalated to completely NOT CARING AT ALL. I'm surprised I brush my hair anymore... that doesn't really make me sound attractive does it? Oh well... I'm not all that beautiful anyway.
My ex told me I was sooooooo beautiful the other day with the exception of the bellie. And then he wrote "j.e.l.l.o. it's alive" on my stomach.... sounds mean, but it wasn't. I love him cuz he's honest with me and he has good bisexual fashion sense. LoL.
I must go. I love you guys... or more like you guy.
school is indeed monotonous. that is it’s purpose and function. to inure you to the monotony of life. or something like that.
love you too, kid.