whistlers beware

scratchy throat. sitting at library. should be looking for new book to read. should i start one? i am going on two mini vacations in two weeks. will i have time? i want my new glasses!! lol austin's at lamar orientation today. which reminds me i really need to see what my breaks are. i know i'm on campus for like three hours doing nothing on tues./thurs. so we can do stuff then. i can't believe he's already graduated and getting ready to go to college. MY college. MY stomping grounds. i can't wait but i'm apprehensive. not that i had a social standing at school anyway. rawr.. i don't make any fucking sense. yesterday was 6/6/06. did the world end? in some part other than where i live? i'm guessing not cuz i think i would have heard about it by now. seeing as i'm always at the Y and always forced to watch one of those fucking news channels like fox news or some boring shit like that. yesterday it was all about the duke rape case and how the lacrosse team is going to play next season and how they found the 5 day old kidnapped baby in a parked car in 104 degree heat with jaundice. anything else? of course the jolie-pitt baby which they gave the name of a dog. SHILOH. am i the only one who remembers that movie? cuz i do... it was sad too. i'm going to the beach tomorrow with lindsey and sara and i'll probably get darker on my body and redder in my face. as per usual. but it's worth it to see in the sun, swim in the water, get great beach hair, and eat mama teresa's. perfecto. people walking around me. so annoying. isn't the library for people who read books? i am such an elitist. just cuz i see someone in all black with someone who's going to a soccer match, i believe they should be out smoking pot. not reading books. in MY section of the library. and someone's whistling. god. only uno mas hora until my eyebrow extermination. i need a drink.
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eyebrow extermination? i’d need a few drinks.i once accidentally set my hat on fire in a library. but that’s another story. be well, babe. -matt
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