
'This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you' - John 15:12 In a persons beliefs we have seen on one side the great legends who've led a worthy way of life and on another side the infamous hopeful's responsible for an inexcusable cause. From childhood into adolescence we form our own beliefs from numerous influences and the more time elapses as we enter adulthood we strive to turn these beliefs into actions and results to which we often either succeed in, fail in, hesitate or keep wishing thoughtfully that "today or tomorrow will be the day I act in my belief". From losing weight, watching less tv, being more proactive, improving our grades, being kinder to people around us, doing as your parents tell you, from pursuing a certain career to controlling the love life you aspire to. In our beliefs we all act on our thoughts and intentions whether we are aware or not. My sole belief in life is 'Love'. Throughout my years there has been a battle within me as to where my love should lay; in the arms of an intimate loved one or in the hope of all individuals in the World that I can manage to come across and touch. If ever to have 'intimate love', I intend for the both of us to still be pure in virginity until lawfully and spiritually united as my belief is for our bodies to have preserved our sacredness for having found the true love of another whom I and she believe will be our lifetime soulmates until death do we part. I believe in intimate love which builds its foundations on an emotional connection and not a sole physical connection. If my love however were to lay in the hopes of the individuals I am to surround; my belief is that if such is my Will, 'intimate love' cannot be found and only will I exist to have abandoned myself to the 'Will' of this World. I am yet to grow in supreme love for others, to where love becomes freedom and not discriminative of others doings; but I shall grow to that supreme love so to love 'all' in this World. My pure intention of love lays not for the sinners who know not what they do, but for the people who lack what they would give to others in their state if they were not so weak to do so - love. "For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me... Then the righteous will answer him; 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" Matthew 25:35-42 All the above is an act of love and love shall be restored to those who have been neglected by the love on earth for other possessions. It is my belief that I have a God given intention to show and restore hope and love to those who have not been granted such gifts by others who are unaware in their actions. It is my belief that such a life has always been my destiny and only recently have I been guided to know that this is my intention. Love is all I have ever known and you may ask why the need to help people in the World who are short of being shown love? A large part of this belief has just always been there without no reason for it's existence - I was born that way - but when you have a person in your life who means the World to you and has suffered in a manner which replicates the pain and suffering of all individuals who bare a similar fate, the most important gift to them is your love and so many people in the World no longer have this gift of love for such is the extent they have been abandoned in their time of need. My belief is that it's my responsibility to give hope and love to the people who suffer in this World and feel abandoned of such gifts.
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Value the beliefs and gifts you have. But my question to you is, do you really have to sacrifice your personal love for the love of the world? Do you have to choose between one or the other? Or is it considered selfish to want both in life?
It's rare to find someone with respectable beliefs and values like yours. take care.
It's true, it is a lot harder to live up to them. I still admire you for believing in what you believe.