“Not everyone understands the metaphor that I use the story for. The truth behind the metaphor I use is that the love you’re seeking is much like the journey of the terminally ill woman that you read of in the story… though I'm sure you didn’t see it like that did you?”
“No, definitely not!
“The example I want you to see is that… no matter what you go through in life, there is always another way for you to see it; A way which will make you realise that… the harsh events you may go through in life… are in fact, not so harsh after all”.
“But I can’t think like that!”
“You can try… Think of how different what you’re going through can be if you only put your mind to it. If you can’t, then find someone to do it for you”.
“Someone to do it for me?!”
“Yes… because that someone will be the person who loves you and a person whom you love too. When you can no longer think about what you’re going through in life so to find a better understanding of it all; the person you love will take the thought off of you and will show you a way that makes you believe that everything really will be alright.
“And that’s what the book is about is it?”
“Yes, it is…”
“…that’s beautiful”.
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