"if you are living to save the world you are most like going to be sorely dissapointed".
[anonymous (]
To whom ever wrote this comment in my previous entry, I can't but thank you for replenishing by declining passion.
I felt briefly that I was moving on from my mom yet gaining strength in my reason for life, only to find that as I was letting go of my mom so to was I of this 'intention'.
I wanted to lock in my heart and mind the memories of my mom's suffering so to never forget my intention; it's not the healthiest way to go about such a cause and I need not a push to keep my will. My will must come naturally.
My thoughts are young, my actions even less; I understand the aforementioned plan may be far from reaching the intention I pursue and that alot more has to be done, but I believe in simplicity being the key to success.
I am not a fool and fully understand my task will not be easy, but I don't give into odds. You always have a choice and my choice is to keep fighting for what I believe in, no matter how hard my thoughts differ - I care to believe my fluctuation of thoughts is just the transition I'm taking from having to think about how to do this to being the person who just does it without having to think any longer about how to do it - 'simplicity is key'.
A constant thought becomes you. Control the thought you want yourself to become and you reap your destiny.
Sorely disappointed? Perfectionism may rule the mind and have its various consequences ...but practise makes perfect.
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