Only to sit here and contemplate...

The last time I was in love with a girl was pretty much about 1 year ago now; though never ending up with the girl, it was alright as I was still young. Of course though at that time, she was the only girl for me in my life and probably at the time the girl who I would dream about spending the rest of my life with. Now I'm in love again, but the thing is now... I'm getting fed up with hoping that this girl will be the girl that I could hope to spend the rest of my life with, because I know that if she isn't, to me it is most unlikely that I will ever find another girl as beautiful as she is, most especially on the inside as she certainly is on the out. - Funny to be talking about spending the rest of my life with her, when I'm not even going out with her, but that is me - Every girl is attractive, but it is her personality which defines her beauty.
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my response: I am deleting that entry, because I don't want SOMEONE to read it haha. But my whole point is, the person is not someone that I am interested in enough to spend time with. I am very interested in spending time with intellectual people and artists, and people that just intrigue me, but it seems like he is not worth it. It seems that we are on totally different levels. I have had an amazing boyfriend one that I actually felt was worth
it.. but we broke up.. probably my fault.. i took it forgranted.. and well ... i date people that are special to me.. i do not just settle for anyone.
and i select my friends wisely.

- Kristen
and my personal opinion is to tell the girl how you feel...just bust out with it.. and if she doesn't like it... then it wasn't meant to be. ;-)
i don't feel like signing in, but anway. There are so many good things I haven't experienced yet...I cannot tell you what I am really into, because
i take these classes for school and i dedicate everything to them, even though i am not truly interested to get that "A" that I need. So I haven't
had much time to look into things that interest me. i am only 16. i am growing.
i like ur defintion of beauty

im followin for this girl and she has bf in diffent city and tonight at movies she said that she geting feelins for me and they scare her and yea i cant sleep at all tonight now