How do you love me?

Can I open to you some more? I've told you that I feel your special, that I think your beautiful.. but I've never really told you just how much you mean to me. Lately I've been thinking about you and the feeling I've been getting has been somewhat surreal - when I think of you I feel there is a new sense of life for me. I love that your soul is so pure, but at the same time this for me can turn into fear... fear that the beasts of this World will clutch on to you and take away your purity; the very reason that I love you. I don't know why my love stopped at you. I said it was because I got fed up falling for a woman only to never make my love noticable to her. Was I really just finally fed up and willing to act on my feelings for once, or was the reason being that I knew you were too special not to take a chance with telling you how I felt, because knowing if I didn't, it could be the biggest mistake of my life; or is it possibly more and infact fate - do you believe in fate? ...Afterall, I had seen you before we ever first properly met; at that time I wouldn't have had a clue that we would've ever met again!
Read 16 comments
so cute.


Aw thats so nice. Your words seem very legitimate and valid. And I kinda know how you feel.

oh and
i have a question...i doubt you will see this but cousin wants to join sitDiary but she cant figure out how. she's like searched the page but can't find out how to
Thanks a ton! She kinda...idk. Shes an ADHD chick if ya get what i mean. Plus, this is the first time ive been on here in like 246541324223 months, and last time it used to be somewhere else XD
Of course i know! Music is my life...even though rock music is...hehe oh well! And i know how it is. kinda. But i know where your coming from. My cousin is one of those chicks who are easy to fall in love with. So she knows all about the love thing. Which is cool...because she can warn me if ya know what i mean.

oh and she still is kinda dazed and confused...she said there is no link...i hope she doesnt pull out her pretty hair lol
girls aren't used to being...whats the world im looking for? hehe...well ill say it the other way. usually, guys are so demeaning and degrading to the female race. so yeah. No no no its cool! Its nice to talk to someone. Im glad there is atleast some intellegent life on sitDiary. Plus, everyones myspace is being hacked :( its pissed September (my cousin) off bc one of her fansites has 1.5k+ friends and it got hacked! nothing was deleted tho :)
Yes actually i do :) i dont go on that often...but im trying to go on more. im usually on my cousin's site. so if im not on my personal myspace, youmight find me there. lol. want my url?
Oh and does HTML work on comments?
im not gonna attempt HTML right now haha.

and ill leave two comments since you left me 3 ^_^
But yeah i mean like what the hell? guys are so...argh. not all of them tho (like you eveidently ^_^ ). but a lot of guys just want to smack that with some blonde hooker he just met an hour ago. which is annoying. it's hard to find a guy whos not like that. lo...kinda sad rly...
sure that would be...far out.
lol i heart That 70's Show
Yeha...i blame the art thing on Septy. we hang out so much that her skills rubbed off on me. I write, draw, etc.
And maybe she will stay pure. I mean, if she could do it for this long, then maybe she can stay that way.
what the hell? lol...idk. i one listens to me anyways. its like yesterday, me and my dad got lost driving. but if he had listened to me the first fuckin time, we wouldnt have gotten lost ^_^ lol. but in my entry, im sayin that ppl need to fuck off bc they think they know my problems. they have no clue. and they talk to their friends about me, but they dont have the right to. bc they dont know me. get it now?
no offense but that made me giggle. you TRIED to cut yourself? wow thats special. but i see what you mean. if you have blunted scissors then it wont work that well would it?
Yes everyone has problems. I just hate the whole stereotype thingy. I mean damn. The whole concept of someone being "emo" is stupid. For one, emo is a genre of music. So...yeah.
The death thing i SO understand. I mean, the death of my grandpa changed my life completely.

Haha this reminds me of the song Helena.
awww thats so cute lol. next time, use something actually sharp! but yeah...i remember this one time...blunt rly pissed me off! i mean who has blunt scissors? i understand a blunt knife...but scissors?