While arrived at the airport, checked in and awaiting his 4:35pm flight AA131 to New York with an hour and thirty mintues to spare before boarding, he amusingly decides to chill on the internet to catch up with news, emails and what have you as really, the internet is almost his vice and two weeks away from this luxury might turn out be torture - no, he's not that bad really!
Though there is no chance of him missing his flight due to browsing the net at the airport, he still couldn't help but be amused by daydreaming what if he did - stupidity at its utmost!
Wishing you all the best while I'm away. Keep Cheerful! Dream a beautiful dream!
I did dream a beautiful dream and I can't wait for it to come true because afterwards I'm able to be the best that I know I can be and maybe more! Can't wait 'til you come back with good news!