
Feeling: useless
myy feet hurt from running around in heels. not even heels would stop me from running around like a maniac. i almost kicked a boy before i realized i was wearing a skirt. the first time i wore a skirt in 6574537 days. the band concert was tonight. him: your legs are so white. paper-white. *holds band music next to myy legs in comparison* me: no, they're not white. myy legs are yellow. so there. ha. him: okayy, fine. they're yellow-white. *i tug at one of his most noticeable curls* *we both go back to watching the jazz band perform* i don't know whyy i just typed that out. it's the onlyy "real" conversation we've had this week so far. interesting? no, i think not. excuse this entryy and its lack of flavor. myy mind is so...empty. and myy heart, so full.
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hey..i figured joe (orangedrummer) wouldn't answer you back so i his girlfriend...his username is orange drummer because he has orange hair and i always tease hima bout it...and he is like a major drummer...
The entry is actually quite interesting. Anyways... as much of a comparison as this is, I feel like superman in terms of knowing that there is so much to me, yet I can't allow anyone to know about it. In a way, my comparison probably isn't true - its annoying the way I am, but I'm sure its all for a good reason.

Hows life treating you? looking forward to christmas?

Way to go and not let heels stop you!
oooooo. what instrument do you play?