
Feeling: clean
youu see, i have this special remedyy of mine. it works every single time. it's much better than moping around the house, hating life. hating myself. hating everything that crosses myy mind. whenever i feel crappyy, i just go a take a hot shower. a veryy long, hot shower. a shower long enough to drown myy emptyy thoughts. a shower hot enough to make myy skin feel like peeling off...revealing a new and refreshed me. a me that's clear of the dirtyness of this world. of this life. the people close to me don't get it. whyy does that crazyy girl take two showers a dayy? how can she take a two-hour shower? i don't know. call me crazyy. or weird. call me psycho, even. but we all have our own wayys, do we not?
Read 7 comments i'm gonna go take a Long hot shower. god that sounds so good. yes.
Ah. I know what you mean. I did that the other day, but it was a veryveryvery hot bath. It does seem to help things, doesn't it? Maybe we are psycho... :shrugs: doesn't bother me.
I agree with this hot shower thing. I'm going to take one soon, I need it.

The "poem" is mine, and it is a poem. And you totally blew my mind with that coment.
oooh well i like when people type "too much."
i'm thrilled you have had crushes on cartoon characters.
it's worse for me, i had a crush on robin hood, the cartoon fox one. maybe that's sick? but i thought that guy was hott...still kinda do. hah.
i pronounced delphine as line DEL-FINE hah how ugly is that? i like yours better. you're my friend now too.
Thanks for the comment
and your special remedy.
i think music solves all problems. ha
yea dont hurt chickens, im PETA-file!!

ur diarys so organized and matchin mines like all random lol
but i like urs
i like shower a lot. i can prolly shower 4 times a day if i feel like it =p

and thanks for the cute layout.