
i know of this one girl. she is just an ordinaryy girl. existing in such an extraordinaryy world.
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sweet. i used to play flute.
for a year.
and then clarinet.
and then i quit.
sad story.
lol..yeah..he says its brown..i say its he humors
Is it me or do I see no sense of enjoyment in the your entries any longer, or at least for this one. No worries 'bout venting on my diary.

Skool always does seem to live for drama - I very much don't mean to be offensive or anything here, but half the time with my skool all the drama is always with the girls.

Anyways, thats life - drama, or so it is for some people... for me, its all about freedom and desire.
sorry it took me so much time but i've been so busy at the moment, i haven't got time for anything, at least you know some spanish :) And, ¿dónde está el baño? you don't have (ñ) in the computer keyboard? Anyway, me llamo Miguel (my name's miguel) and i'm from madrid, and te quiero means i love you but in a friendly sort of way :p
lif'es going great at the moment, how's yours going?

te quiero

happy christmas
I think the word extraordinary is dumb.

Congratulations. You are extra-ordinary. haha.

Sorry. I'm weird. And random. It's snowing here and it's pretty.
I guess that's possible. I'd like to believe in Fate once in a while. It almost helps to cushion the blow when things get tough.

Neat diary :o)

♥ Lyss