more people. .

Listening to: incubus- megalomaniac
Feeling: trippy
Again with the people i couldnt live without. My two best friends in the entire world. Line, and mila. You guys are my everything. I love you soo much and i have no i dea what i would do without you. I couldnt live. . Ray Ray and Meg. You guys are my big sisters and i love you. You are awesome. You taught me like everything, even though we've only been sisters for like 2 years. Its been fun, and now that you guys are away at college, i miss you more than ever. And no, liney and i arent goin to turn out like ya'll, rach. We are gonna still go to the same college, and prollie live together. Bc thats what we do. lol My dirk. You are my favoritest dirk diggler in the entire world. And im your shooter! I love ya kid! *mwah* My mommies. . .all 4 of them..that doesnt sound too good. GG, Mommie fay, Mommie sandy, and Mommie Mommie. You all are awesome. I have grown closer to gg than prollie any other grown woman i know. Prollie closer than my real mommie. I love you gg, you really help me out alot, Thank you. Mommie fay is just awesome. And she's little! Mommie sandy! I have known you since i was like 2! you have been my mommie for the longest time and i looooove you!! And my mommie mommie. You have been there my whooole life (obviously) i love you! thank you for your wisdom (no matter how ditzy you are!) I love you. My dad.... not much to say there, i know i would be lost without you, moreso than i already am. I miss you and i love you. brook. . yah. . we have been friends for a few years now. We have been through a whole lot of shit together, its been. . . interesting, to say the least. I love you, even though you are an evil little douchebag, and im too proud to tell you to your face. My brothers. . you guys suck, but i love ya anyway. Heh heh. and then of course, the person i got into in a previous entry has had a HUGE influence on my life. we arent really friends, but i still love him, in spite of it all. I really dont think that i could live without him. Not now anyway. i know there are more, i just cant think of them!! Aaah! Help me think!! ah well, ill add you guys later if i forgot you. But now i need sleep. I dont expect many comments on this, unless you areone of these, people, but if you wanna, you can tell me whatever!
Read 4 comments
Dith, I miss you too! lol, its Ray and im writing you back!! i love you and liney! you should write more about me! lol
heh, yea
you made a stef entry before but couldnt name me on this page. LOL my ego LOVE YOU MY MAP!!


I love you, even though you are an evil little douchebag
you fucking peice of shit meredith,